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Published: 10-Jan-20
I don't want to scare you but...
I don't want to scare you but, honestly, it's time you had a little shake up. 

If you've been relying on free and.... If you've been trusting that the free services you are using aren't going to just disappear. You may have got away with it for the most part, thinking you've saved money. The reality is that you've likely cost yourself money, leads, sales, SEO, list subscribers, and growth for the long term.  Guess what?

Free sites and services, and blogs etc, vanish.

Services get dropped without notice, POOF there goes your business, your affiliate links, your hard earned blog content.

How do you protect yourself?



We see affiliate marketers cutting corners. They simply promote affiliate links and this COSTS you money over time.

Here's why.

Reason 1:  Your own domain name looks professional, more permanent, less "here today gone tomorrow."

First impressions count even with a domain name.

What looks better to you? 


Having your own domain name instantly conveys greater credibility.  Sets you apart from the competition - your impression with a domain name is one of professionalism instead of being one of 100 MILLION affiliate marketers all hawking the latest, the greatest affiliate product/service with one link that could be gone tomorrow.  

It's SOCIAL Proof when you tie your domain name into all your social media sites (Facebook, Twitter, Instagram,YouTube etc) 

If you have your own Amazon Store, or ClickBank Store, you have a definite advantages having it integrated into your own domain name.  You don't want ANY reason for people to question the professionalism or integrity or permanence of your business.  People want to know that they are going to get what they pay for, that you aren't here today and gone tomorrow.

If the mentioned reasons don't convince you of the value and essentialism of having your own domain name, I have one word for you Google. If you want your site to be indexed then you need Google. What does Google like best? Actual domain names, attached to websites with real and legitimate content are what attracts the search bots from Google, Bing and other index crawlers.  

Online security is big right now, domains can be SECURED with a SSL secure certificate, both your potential buyers and Google want to see that secure lock in the browser, it instantly says SAFE to potential buyers.  

Reason 2:  Redirects are easy when you have your own domain name

When you are provided an affiliate link to promote, you can easily set up your own domain name and have it point to the affiliate site. Easy and quick to do. If your affiliate link / program changes no problem. Just direct your domain name to your new Affiliate link or site. Remember when you own the domain name, you won't lose traffic or backlinks every time you change your affiliate programs.  Your domain name stays with you, grows with you.   Or don't bother with a redirect, just add content to one central website, make one site your platform for all your online businesses, more pages, more key word content, more value for your visitors. 

Reason 3:  Multiple domain names are cheap

Book your own domain name for as little as $10 per year. Book multiple domain names and set up multiple redirects to your affiliate links or site.  Terrific for building niche sites with key word domain names. 

Want to book your own domain name now? 

Build your brand, build your niche, build your web footprint, your social media circles, and your business for YEARS and YEARS to come. Your products may change, your affiliate links may change, your niche may change but your domain name (and your business) can keep growing. .  

Reason 4: Build your brand or niche with word specific domain name(s)

Having your own domain name allows you to develop a site if you choose. Add content, your contact details, your specialties, key words,  landing pages (as many as you like or need for your various affiliate programs). Site Hosting is also cheap, and you can easily use one of many website editors to build your site on your domain name.   Integrate in your blog, a newsletter (list building), social media streams, YouTube channel, target your audience, direct traffic and more. Build it grow it, profit from it now and for years to come.  

Reason 5. Widgets

Having your own domain based website gives you the option to integrate really cool (and powerful sales tools) like LIVE CHAT using Facebook.   If using WordPress you have lots of choices for integrating easily interactive widgets everything from payment links, shopping cart, social media sharing, auto-posting, video, apps and more.

Ready to start your successful online business, or to take your existing business to a higher level?

Worldprofit offers hosting, specialized software, training and support for the affiliate marketer who want do do more then just dabble and instead  growing a successful online business producing multiple streams of income now and for the future. Worldprofit has over 25 years in business, helping people worldwide earn consistent income from your PC, tablet or phone. 

Mega Profit Product Showcase:

» Bringing The Net Into Network Marketing - 15 NEW members into your business

Author: Sandi Hunter, President, Worldprofit Inc.

Republished with author's permission.